Alternative Investing
As a complement to our public equity, fixed income and commodities portfolios, Ellsworth Advisors offers our clients the opportunity to review and potentially invest in private equity and private real estate transactions. These private investments, as part of a well-diversified portfolio, can offer enhanced diversification and returns non-correlated to the public markets.
Only after an opportunity has been reviewed by the Ellsworth team and our principals decide to move forward will that opportunity be presented to our clients. These investments are presented on a deal-by-deal basis and no investor dollars are ever invested into private partnerships without a client’s explicit approval and proper documentation that the investment is appropriate for their risk tolerance and that the client meets the standards of an Accredited Investor.
Since these investments are illiquid and generally have longer time horizons, we strive to provide at least quarterly financial updates as well as access to any material information that becomes available in the interim. These investments are a complement to a well-diversified investment portfolio and will generally be a small percentage of a client’s investable assets.