Ellsworth Advisors Logo

Team Member Disclosures

Timothy B. Clepper
View Disclosure
Kelly M. Kuennen
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Cameron S. Miele
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Michael "Max" Schindler
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Patrick A. Justice
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Michelle M. Schwab
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Brett D. Baskin
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Dave Jakubowski
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Christopher G. Ameen
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Chris Prado
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John L. Dugan II
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Kelly Orris
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Legal Disclosures

Client Relationship Summary

Learn more about our comprehensive services, fees, and additional client amenities.

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Firm Disclosure

This Firm Brochure (Form ADV Part 2A) provides information about the qualifications and business practices of Ellsworth Advisors, LLC.

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Wrap Brochure

Learn more about Ellsworth Advisors' qualifications and business practices.

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Privacy Policy

Learn about our commitment to maintaining the highest possible standards of confidentiality.

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General Disclosure

Learn more about our business operations, services, and conduct.

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Business Continuity Plan

Learn more about our plan to provide uninterrupted service during a period of Significant Business Disruption (SBD).

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Best Interest Disclosure

Learn more about how we comply with the DOL Rule by always acting in the best interest of our clients.

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